Constipation is toxic!
The importance of a regular bowel movement is relevant to your state of mindBacteria are micro-organisms that are crucial to keep a clear connection between the brain and the gut, therefore maintaining a regular bowel movement. These micro-organisms are mostly responsible for manufacturing serotonin, our "happy hormone"; some of it is also produced from our pineal gland which is located in the brain. |
When serotonin deficiency occurs
When serotonin defficiency occurs, our nervous system becomes affected by anger, aggression, body temperature, mood and sleep disturbances to name a few. Serotonin gets released every time we have a bowel movement. Every time our bowel eliminates, we feels as if we've got rid of what we have been metabolizing for the past 24 hours (for those who are lucky to have such a good transit time). And I am not thinking just about food here, but also about emotions. It feels good, it makes us happy and ready for the day ahead. It is the serotonin kicking in, and sharing that information with our brain, so that we can function in a positive and more focused way throughout the day. One might be more productive as a result.Keeping these physical (foods) and psychological (emotions) waste in our gut for longer that 24 hours could be the start of a toxic bowel leading to constipation. Your gut bacteria start to ferment the waste that is kept there as it has not been eliminated. Bacteria release their own waste products throughout this activity. One might start feeling bloated from this fermentation process producing gases, but also feeling frustrated if used to a daily bowel movement, since serotonin has not being released as it should.
72 hours is the average for the UK population to hold on to their bowel's waste.
The importance of a regular bowel movement is relevant to one's state of mind. I believe that having at least one bowel movement everyday is crucial to a disease-free colon. When waste accumulates within your gut without being eliminated daily, it allows bacteria to proliferate, causing an inflammation cycle as they release their own waste products becoming toxic to our colon.
The brain gut connection
A link was manufactured while we were developing inside of our mother's womb.
A link was manufactured while we were developing inside of our mother's womb.
The nervous sheet within our spinal cord, divided into two and created that link, giving us the ability to choose how and what we feel when faced with different life events. One half going up, making our CNS (Central Nervous System: the brain) and the other half going down, making our ENS (Enteric Nervous System: the gut). A very long and important nerve called the vagus nerve (starting from the 10th cranial nerve) runs from our brain, all the way down to our gut. I like to call it the direct link to our emotions. |
Quality of life, influences our bowel's behavior. Therefore, relevant factors linked to stressed related gut issues need to be acknowledged and addressed. Simple first steps to care for our health should be foremost remembering about:As we have to deal with a certain amount of daily stressors such as:
- The quality of the food we eat
- How much food we eat
- In what state of mind we eat it
- Air pollution
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Lack of exercise
- Lack of water
- Lack of sleep
- Too many negative thoughts
- Not enough relaxation time leading to too much stress
The reason why one's bowel is not eliminating regularly enough comes with a diversity of reasons, stress becoming the most relevant factor to gut's troubles. But it could well be food related. The point is, one could feel pretty miserable, depressed, stressed and irritable, leading to a broken communication between the brain and the gut. Messages are not passed onto each other as efficiently as if the gut is clear of emotional and physical waste.
Colonic hydrotherapy is a supportive tool that you could use, in order to help rebalancing your brain-gut connection. Maintaining your bowel's health requires many other lifestyle habits to be added to an everyday routine, but having a thorough cleansing is where one should start.
Keep your gut clear, keep the connection sharp!
Click here for prices on colonic irrigation
If you need anymore information, please, email or call me on (00 44) 795 875 5536 within the hours of 9.30am to 8pm Monday to Saturday,
I will be happy to answer any enquiries you might have.
I will be happy to answer any enquiries you might have.
Your therapist at 4 Balance and Health, Edwige Cabanetos
Therapies offered at 4 Balance and Health are not substitutes for traditional medical care by your GP, they are complementary therapies that may be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. Should you be aware of any reasons why these therapies are contra-indicated to you or you have a serious health problem, please consult your GP prior to their use.