Why Probiotics enema?
Our bowel hosts about 90 trillion bacteria! And they are there for a very good reason.
![]() Never take for granted the power of your own gut bacteria | Probiotics are living micro-organisms found in our gut. Some of them are called bacteria, and others yeasts and fungi. They are the cleansers of our bowel, and the protectors of its walls. They also are the manufacturers of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, A and K and hormones as well as natural antibiotics. They are capable of telling us when we are hungry or had enough to eat. |
It is important to nourish our bacteria with the right type of fibers (which is the foods they thrive on) such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, brown rice, spelt, oat, onions, leeks, avocados, pears, apples... Also, bacteria mostly thrive in a more acidic environment, and fermented foods give them just that. So, remember to incorporate these type of foods too for their health maintenance. But most importantly, if one has a lack of fibers intake, which has become very common in today's society, then a course of probiotics or a course of probiotic implants could be extremely beneficial in supporting the gut.
Eventually, we should have about 85% good to 15% harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract, but most of us today have the opposite ratio, creating a chronically unhealthy condition. Never take for granted the power of your own gut bacteria. As they are so many of them (approximately 90 trillion!) and come with about 75.000 genes, they can contribute to heal our damaged DNA cells caused by disease.
The healing in the body will take place more efficiently if we make the right health changes to reverse the damage caused.
Maintaining new health choices, will progressively reverse the condition/ disease so we can grow older in a healthier way.
Some exciting new researches are now confirming that as bacteria get passed on from a mother onto their child at birth, the child's own colonies of bacteria as they grow, will be able to help the child improving and reverse some immune and inflammatory conditions, given from their mother's bacteria (2). This means that it is possible indeed to reverse chronic diseases, considering that the right changes are made throughout life from that child. Thanks to the sciences of Epigenetics, your body truly has the power to heal you.
2- Psychopharmacology May 2015, Volume 232, Issue 10, pp 1793-1801,
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I will be happy to answer any enquiries you might have.
I will be happy to answer any enquiries you might have.
Your therapist at 4 Balance and Health, Edwige Cabanetos
Therapies offered at 4 Balance and
Health are not substitutes for traditional medical care by your GP, they
are complementary therapies that may be used in conjunction with
conventional medicine. Should you be aware of any reasons why these
therapies are contra-indicated to you or you have a serious health
problem, please consult your GP prior to their use.